ICQC2006 Photographs

The photo album during the Kyoto Congress were now open to the participants. The pictures are classified into each event in the Kyoto Congress. Below is the link to the photo album. The picture with high resolution is linked at each picture. You can look at them by one click on the photo of your interest. You may download these photos free of charge.

May 21

1. Registration
2. Opening and Medal Awards
3. Prof. R. G. Parr
4. Prof. Y. T. Lee
5. Before Welcome Reception
6. Welcome Reception

May 22

1. Prof. W. H. Miller
2. Prof. S. Kato
3. Prof. D. C. Clary
4. Coffee Break (Morning)
5. Prof. H. Nakamura
6. Prof. T. J. Martinez
7. Lunch Time
8. Prof. H. B. Schlegel
9. Prof. W. Domcke
10. Prof. I. Frank
11. Coffee Break (Afternoon)
12. Prof. L. Gagliardi
13. Prof. K. N. Houk
14. Prof. Y.-D. Wu
15. Poster Session A
16. Accompanying Person Program

May 23

1. Prof. W. L. Jorgensen
2. Prof. M. S. Gordon
3. Prof. A. Gross
4. Coffee Break (Morning)
5. Prof. W. Yang
6. Prof. J. P. Perdew
7. Prof. P. Piecuch
8. Prof. M. Nooijen
9. Prof. D. Mukherjee
10. Coffee Break (Afternoon)
11. Prof. T. Nakajima
12. Prof. K. Kitaura
13. Prof. P. Hobza
14. Poster Session B
15. Accompanying Person Program

May 24

1. Prof. J. Michl
2. Prof. M. A. Ratner
3. Prof. K. S. Kim
4. Poster Session C
5. Excursion
6. Banquet

May 25

1. Prof. W. Kutzelnigg
2. Prof. J. Komasa
3. Prof. J. Cioslowski
4. Coffee Break (Morning)
5. Prof. M. Ehara
6. Prof. L. S. Cederbaum
7. Prof. T. Helgaker
8. Prof. E.-J. Baerands
9. Prof. S. Grimme
10. Coffee Break (Afternoon)
11. Dr. T. Yanai
12. P. R. Surján
13. Prof. P. Jørgensen
14. Poster Session D
15. Flower Arrangement
16. Tee Ceremony

May 26

1. Prof. S. Nagase
2. Prof. M. Dupuis
3. Prof. X. Xu
4. Coffee Break (Morning)
5. Prof. W. A. Lester. Jr
6. Prof. S.-I. Lu
7. Lunch Time
8. Prof. S. Hammes-Schiffer
9. Prof. P. Cársky
10. Prof. K. Morokuma
11. Closing Medal and Best Poster Awards
12. Closing Resistration Desk