- Registration dates have been changed. -
On or Before
January 15, 2006 |
On or Before
March 20, 2006 |
On or After
March 21, 2006 |
On or Before
November 15, 2005 |
On or Before
February 20, 2006 |
On or After
February 21, 2006 |
All payments must be made in Japanese Yen by credit card.
In case payment through credit card is impossible, bank transfer is permitted,
but extra charge (about 5,000~10,000 Japanese yen) is necessary for bank
fee. (See below.)
For the payment at the congress desk, fees are the same as those after
March 20, 2006. Payment with credit card or cash (in Japanese Yen) is possible.
Registration fee for participants (in Japanese yen)
If you pay
On or Before
January 15, 2006 |
On or Before
March 20, 2006 |
On or After
March21, 2006 |
Regular Participant |
40,000 yen
45,000 yen
50,000 yen
Student Participant* |
25,000 yen
30,000 yen
35,000 yen
The fees automatically change at (Japan time) 0:00 of January 16, 2006
and 0:00 of March 21, 2006.
* To qualify as a graduate student, a letter from your advisor certifying
your status must be sent by e-mail to:
Registration fee includes:
- Admission to all scientific sessions, including lectures and poster sessions
- Congress documents (final program, book of abstracts and a list of
- Coffee at breaks
- Welcome Dinner (Sunday evening)
Conference-banquet and conference-excursion fee (in Japanese yen)
If you pay
On or Before
January 15, 2006 |
On or Before
March 20, 2006 |
On or After
March21, 2006 |
10,000 yen |
10,000 yen |
12,000 yen |
- Common to student participants and accompanying persons.
to attend only conference banquet or only conference excursion,
Conference banquet only (in Japanese yen)
If you pay
On or Before
January 15, 2006 |
On or Before
March 20, 2006 |
On or After
March 21, 2006 |
7,500 yen |
7,500 yen |
8,000 yen |
Conference excursion only (in Japanese yen)
If you pay
On or Before
January 15, 2006 |
On or Before
March 20, 2006 |
On or After
March 21, 2006 |
3,500 yen |
3,500 yen |
4,000 yen |
- Citizens who need visas should consult their local Japan Embassies or Consulates for details.
- From the web site of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, the participants
from the countries NOT LISTED BELOW NEED VISA:
*List of the countries and the regions that have visa exemption arragements
with Japan
Asia: Singapore, Brunei, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau (In the case of the Republic of Korea, visas are not required until Febraury
28 in 2006)
North America: Canada, U.S.A.
Latin America: Mexico, Argentina, Bahamas, Chile, Costa Rica, Dominican Rep., El Salvador,
Guatemala, Honduras, Suriname, Uruguay, Barbados
Middle East: Israel, Turkey
Oceania: Australia, New Zealand
Africa: Lesotho, Mauritius, Tunisia
Europe: Austria, Germany, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, United Kingdom,
Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Iceland, Italy,
Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, San Marino,
Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Andorra, Bulgaria, Czech Rep., Estonia, Hungary,
Latvia, Lithuania, Monaco, Poland Slovakia
This information is from the following page:
- For details, please also see the web site of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
of Japan.
- When you need documents from the organizer of XII-ICQC2006 for applying visa, please send a request to the address below. Please send curriculum vitae including your publication list together with your request.
Hiroshi Nakatsuji, XII-ICQC2006
Department of Synthetic Chemistry and Biological Chemistry
Graduate School of Engineering
Kyoto University
Katsura, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto 615-8510
Fax: +81-75-383-2739 |
Invitation Letter
- If you need a formal invitation letter, please send a request with curriculum
vitae to:
Hiroshi Nakatsuji, XII-ICQC2006
Department of Synthetic Chemistry and Biological Chemistry
Graduate School of Engineering
Kyoto University
Katsura, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto 615-8510
Fax: +81-75-383-2739 |
Special Note for Financial Support
As the time of the Congress approaches, funds may become available to provide
partial financial support for participants who need financial support.
If you want to be considered for such financial support, please send a
letter stating your situation to:
Hiroshi Nakatsuji, XII-ICQC2006
Department of Synthetic Chemistry and Biological Chemistry
Graduate School of Engineering
Kyoto University
Katsura, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto 615-8510
Fax: +81-75-383-2739
Registration, Conference Banquet, Conference Excursion, and Hotel Accommodation
Registration, payment, and hotel reservation are taken care by a travel
agency, JTB (Japan Travel Bureau).
Special group rates will be arranged for some hotels.
The ID number sent by e-mail after completion of registration is important
for everything, e.g. abstract submission, and therefore must be recorded.
Registration Procedure
Please complete your Registration Form and click the 'SUBMIT'
button. Deadline of online Registration is 0:00 of May 8, 2006, Japan Time. All payment must be made in yen through credit card. Registration is not
completed if your payment is not done. Application should be accompanied
by credit card information. Registration will not be confirmed in the absence
of credit card information.
Your credit card information is protected by SSL encryption and kept by
So, nobody can access the information.
Following credit cards are accepted for
payments; |
Master Card |
Diners Club |
Visa Card |
Participants who cannot use credit cards should contact JTB by e-mail Subject
column of e-mail should include ICQC2006. |
Upon receipt of your online registration information, a confirmation will be e-mailed or faxed to you within three days after your credit card is confirmed. The ID number will be informed with the confirmation sheet. Please use this ID number in the case of revision and cancellation.
Revision and Cancellation
You can revise and/or cancel your registration by e-mail with your ID number
When you
cancel the registration, the registration fees will be returned to your account
subtracting the cost of transfer charge of credit card.
Hotel Application and Payment
For participants wishing to reserve hotel accommodations, please complete Hotel
Reservation Form and submit it to JTB by 0:00 of May 8, 2006, Japan Time. Application should be accompanied by credit
card information. No reservation will be confirmed in the absence of credit card
information. But, hotel charge will not be made at confirmation; credit card
information is used in case of cancellation.
Please pay all charges at the
hotel when checking out.
Master Card |
Diners Club |
Visa Card |
Participants who cannot use credit cards should contact JTB by
e-mail : Subject
column of e-mail should include ICQC2006. |
Upon receipt of your online hotel reservation information, a confirmation will
be faxed or e-mailed to you after your credit card is confirmed.
Revision and Cancellation
For cancellation, written notification should be sent to JTB. The following
cancellation fees will be charged to your registered credit card.
Up to 9 days
before the first night of
2 to 8 days before
Less than 2 days before,
or not notice
1,000 yen
10% of daily room
100% of daily room
Bank Transfer (Exceptional)
Payment by credit card is requested. Participant who can use bank transfer
only should contact with JTB by e-mail: Subject column of e-mail should include ICQC2006.