Satellite Symposium

May 17-19

Chemical Accuracy and Beyond (Tokyo)
organized by K. Hirao, K. Takatsuka, K. Yamashita

Electron Dynamics and Spectroscopy (Sendai)
organized by Y. Fujimura, K. Ohno

Large Molecular Systems (Okazaki)
organized by S. Nagase

May 27-29

Reactions in Solution and Biological Systems (Kyoto)
organized by S. Kato

Material-oriented Quantum Chemistry (Osaka)
organized by K. Yamaguchi, T. Takui

*Shuttle bus service from Kyoto to Senri Chuo (Satellite Symposium in Osaka)
A shuttle bus from Kyoto TERRSA to Senri Hankyu Hotel, which is located very near to Senri Life Science Center, is available after Kyoto Congress. This bus can accommodate 60 passengers and leaves Kyoto TERRSA at 17:00 on May 26, 2006. Fare is free and the reservation is not necessary.
Please note that this shuttle-bus service is only once. For details, please visit "Material-oriented Quantum Chemistry (MOQC)" in Osaka.