Q. How to calculate the ground and excited states of molecules having open-shell ground state? With ionization or with electron-attachment?


A. There are four approaches for calculating open-shell systems depending on the choice of the reference orbitals and the operators used in the SAC-CI wave function.

Case 1: ROHF SCF (N) - SAC (N+1) - SAC-CI, CationDoublet (N)

Case 2: ROHF SCF (N) - SAC (N-1) - SAC-CI, AnionDoublet (N)

Case 3: RHF of Cation (N-1) - SAC (N-1) - SAC-CI, AnionDoublet (N)

Case 4: RHF of Anion (N+1) - SAC (N+1) - SAC-CI, CationDoublet (N)

where (N), (N-1) and (N+1) denotes the number of electrons. Since these types of calculations give almost the same results, we do not have special recommendation. We can choose the reference orbitals by specifying the charge and the multiplicity just one line above the “Gaussaian molecular specification”. The choice “CationDoublet” or “AnionDoublet” should be specified in the SAC-CI part of input.

As described above, there are two ways to construct the open-shell ground-state wave function by the SAC-CI method: via CationDoublet (1 and 4) or AnionDoublet (2 and 3). The former removes one electron from the (N+1)-electron closed-shell SAC wave function, and the latter attaches one electron to the (N-1)-electron closed shell SAC wave function. Therefore, the way to obtain the excited states is different in these two cases.

In the molecules having the open-shell ground-state, we can classify the one-electron excited states into three.

Case A: Excitation from the doubly occupied MOs to SOMO

Case B: Excitation from the SOMO to the unoccupied MO

Case C: Excitation from the doubly occupied MOs to the unoccupied MO

We note here that even such one-electron excited states should be treated as a two-electron process in the SAC-CI calculation, because of the open-shell ground state. In the “CationDoublet” (1 and 4) case, the wave function of the case A can be described by one-electron ionization from the SAC state having (N+1)-electrons. Cases B and C, however, should be described by two-electron process: one-electron ionization and one-electron excitation. In the “AnionDoublet” (2 and 3) case, only case B can be described by one-electron attachment to the SAC state having (N+1)-electrons. The cases A and C should be described by two-electron process: one-electron attachment and one-electron excitation.

One-electron process from the SAC closed-shell state can be treated by the SAC-CI SD-R method, while two-electron process from the closed-shell state requires SAC-CI general-R method. In closing, we give a Table to summarize the above discussion. 


Table. SAC-CI approach to the excited state for the open-shell ground state molecules.



Construction of the open-shell ground-state wave function



Case 1

Case 2

Case 3

Case 4


Type of

the excited


Case A

One-elec. process


Two-elec. process


Two-elec. process


One-elec. process


Case B

Two-elec. process


One-elec. process


One-elec. process


Two-elec. process


Case C

Two-elec. process


Two-elec. process


Two-elec. process


Two-elec. process
