Q. What are the
reference state and the active space for the perturbation selection in the
A. In the
default general-R calculations, SDCI
solutions are used for the reference states of the perturbation selection. This
reference SDCI is performed with a small active space and diagonalized
by in-core algorithm.
The size of
the active space in the SD-CI is automatically determined, according to the
memory size and the orbital energies. User can specify the active space with
"RefCIWindow" option. However, when the
estimated SDCI dimension for each symmetry exceeds
2000, the active space is reduced regardless of the memory size. If users want
to specify this small active space for large reference SDCI dimension, "Namelist" option should be used as follows.
# SAC-CI(…, Namelist)
&ghpres mxdiag=5000, &End
where the maximum dimension
of 5000 is specified.