Abstract Submission
The abstract submission is still possible through this WEB. The abstract
submitted after April 14 will not be included in the abstract book, but
will be distributed in another booklet.
Please use the Word or TeX style file below as a template for making your
abstract. (For Word, just paste your document with "Edit Paste Special
Unformatted Text" on the template.)
We accept only PDF file. Please use Adobe Acrobat to make PDF file from Word file.
Plenary lecturers, invited lecturers, and poster presenters are requested
to submit abstracts containing
1. Title of presentation
2. Name(s) of contributor(s) : Underline the name of
the presenter
3. Address(es) of contributor(s)
4. Text of abstract
in the format given below.
The abstract should not be longer than one page in A4 paper. Only the first
page will be printed in black and white, even if it contains more than two pages.
The abstract in the PDF file format with the file name explained below should be submitted in the following web site. Registration ID issued at the registration is necessary for abstract submission.
In exceptional case, abstract in hard copy is accepted via regular mail.
Please send it to the following address:
Hiroshi Nakatsuji, XII-ICQC2006
Department of
Synthetic Chemistry and Biological Chemistry
Graduate School of
Kyoto University
Katsura, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto 615-8510
If you send your abstract by regular mail, do not send it electronically.
PDF filename for submission (important!)
The file name should contain the family name of the presenter and the registration
ID. For example, the presentation by P.A.M. Dirac among the authors, E. Schroedinger, P. A. M. Dirac, and W. Heisenberg, and the registration
ID is 12345, the file name should be Dirac12345.pdf. If the author has multiple presentations, the file name should be extended as, Dirac12345-1.pdf and Dirac12345-2.pdf. This file name is very important, since it is used for making the program
of the poster session.
The registration ID number is sent to you by e-mail with confirmation sheet
(PDF file) after you made registration. If you forget the registration ID number, please contact with JTB, m_sakimoto480@jtb.jp.
The fonts should be western encoded versions of the fonts Times (Times
New Roman) and Symbol.
Sometimes the problem fonts are spaces. Therefore, please check the fonts
contained in your PDF file with Adobe Acrobat Reader. To do this, 1) choose
"Document Properties/Fonts" from "File" menu, and 2)
choose "List all fonts" to see all fonts you have used.
An abstract style is given in the PDF, doc (MS word) and tex files, but
we accept only PDF file.
Style files
1. Text area: The maximum size of text area is 150 by 237 mm (A4 paper
with 30 mm margins from each end).
2. Please do not enter page number.
3. Title: Times New Roman, 16 pt, Boldface, Centering. Interline spacing
in title: 20 pt.
4. One blank line of 20 pt after the title.
5. Name(s) of contributor(s): Times New Roman, 11pt, Underline the name of the presenter.
6. Address: Times New Roman, 11pt, Italic, Centering.
7. One blank line of 16 pt after the address.
8. Section heads: Times New Roman, 11pt, Boldface.
9. Text font: Time New Roman, 11pt. Interline spacing in text: 16 pt.
10. Captions and reference text: Times New Roman, 9pt, interline space
11. Only the first page is printed in the book of abstracts even if it
contains more than two pages.
12. The book of abstracts will be printed in black-and-white.