Program book

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Instructions for presenters

Official language: English

Oral presentation: 20 min
0 - 15 min: Presentation (Color of Timer: Green (0-12 min) and Yellow (12-15 min))
15 - 19 min: Discussion (Color of Timer: Orange)
19 min: Finish (Color of Timer: Red)
19 - 20 min: PC connection etc.

Invited poster: A0x2 space
Normal poster: A0 space

Time table

Dec 3, Poster Ia, Ib (15:00 - 16:40)

(Click for pdf file)

Time table
Time table
Time table
Time table
Time table
Time table

Dec 4, Poster IIa, IIb (15:00 - 16:40)

Time table
Time table
Time table
Time table
Time table
Time table
(Click for pdf file)

Lecture room - Kinsho hall (1st floor at Todai-ji culture center)

"Raigo-Zu" - sculptures of many Buddha coming

Poster session - Hirayama hall and Meeting room A (B1 at Todai-ji culture center)

Drop curtain painted by Ikuo Hirayama (famous Japanese painter)

Welcome reception - Halftime

(at Night)

Banquet - Hotel Nikko Nara