Object & Organization
Object for foundation
The object of this organization is to make a contribution to the development of science and technology and the happiness of humanity by our activity for the research and spread of the quantum chemistry, and by international publication of our results.
The activity of this organization is:
- the promotion of learning, culture, art, and sports,
- the promotion of science and technology,
- the promotion of social education.
non-profit activities:
- the promotion of the research for quantum chemistry,
- the publication of the results of our researches,
- the development and spread of programs for the quantum chemical computations,
- the spread and education of the quantum chemistry,
- the design and management of the website.
Officer / Collaborative researchers
Nobuo Kawakami |
Kiyoshi Nishikawa |
Taketoshi Nakao |
Director |
Hiroshi Nakatsuji |
Main office |
Mieko Nakatsuji |
Research office |
Hiroyuki Nakashima |
Outline of QCRI