Report 4th JCS Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry in Praha

The 4th Japan-Czech-Slovakia (JCS) Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry was actively held at the Liblice Castle, situated north of Praha, in May 18-20, 2011. About 70 theoretical chemists, from Czech, Slovakia, and Japan attended and discussed in very friendly and active atmosphere. We would like to thank greatly Prof. Lubomir Rulisek and Prof. Jiri Pittner for organizing the JCS symposium so nicely. We would also like to thank the Ambassador Toshio Kunikata, and the staffs of the Japan Embassy in Praha for generous support and all participants for active and freindly scientific atmosphere.

-> The web site of the 4th JCS Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry is here.
-> Photoalbum of the symposium is now open here.
-> The success of the congress is reported in Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. You can download it from here.


about JCS Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry

Prof. Havlas and Prof. Nakatsuji initiated the JCS symposium based on the high-level scientific relationship and warm friendship among Japanese, Czech and Slovak theoretical chemists. Three previous symposium were held at Praha in Czech Republic (2005), Kyoto in Japan (2007) and Bratislava in Slovakia (2009).

The 5th JCS symposium on Theoretical Chemistry is going to be held at Nara Prefectural New Public Hall in May 22-24, 2013. If you are interested, please join the symposium with us.

(Take from Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic p.20, Jun-Aug issue (2011))

カテゴリー: Information of Symposium パーマリンク